Undername Import | Custom Clearance | Import Resmi dan Borongan | Transfer RMB | Trucking | 
Telp 021 80455242 | Hp 081399256273 | www.sa-glob.com

Using undername import services has several advantages that can be considered:

Ease of Administration : Undername import services can take care of many administrative aspects related to the import process, such as permits, customs documents, and import taxes. This reduces the administrative burden for importers.

More Controlled Costs : Compared to taking care of it yourself, using undername services can be more economical because they already have the infrastructure and experience in the import process. They can also have economies of scale that allow them to offer more affordable costs.

Experience and Expertise : Undername services usually have extensive experience in the import process and handling of imported goods. They understand the applicable regulations, policies, and procedures so they can avoid mistakes that can slow down or hinder the import process.

Access to Logistics Network : Undername services often have a well-established logistics network. This can facilitate the process of sending goods from the country of origin to the final destination within the country.

Flexibility and Choice : Undername services can offer a variety of services, such as temporary storage, customs clearance, or even direct delivery to end customers. This provides greater flexibility in planning the supply chain.

However, it is important to remember that choosing an undername service also has risks, such as losing control over the import process. Therefore, it is important to choose an undername service that is trusted and has a good reputation in the industry.